"Visiting Scheme to Outlying Islands"

Purpose of the Scheme

In order to promote the local economy of Cheung Chau, Lantau Island (Mui Wo, Tung Chung, Sha Lo Wan and Tai O), Peng Chau, Lamma Island (Yung Shue Wan and Sok Kwu Wan) and Ma Wan, facilitate the needy groups to organise activities at reduced transport costs and boost the patronage of the outlying island ferry services, the Government launches the "Visiting Scheme to Outlying Islands " ("the Scheme") to provide free ferry rides to encourage eligible organizations to hold activities on the outlying islands.

Eligible applicants of the Scheme are as follows:

  (1) approved charitable institutions of a public character under section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance (Cap.112);
  (2) non-governmental organizations subvented by the Social Welfare Department;
  (3) Secondary Colleges Ordinance (Cap. 320), member institutions of the Vocational Training Council and tertiary institutions established under their own ordinances (e.g. the eight University Grants Committee-funded institutions, Hong Kong Metropolitan University, etc.);
  (4) appointed training bodies of the Employees Retraining Board and appointed training bodies of youth employment and training programmes administered by the Labour Department;
  (5) uniformed groups subvented by the Home and Youth Affairs Bureau;
  (6) District Councils;
  (7) Heung Yee Kuk; or
  (8) community and local groups (Rural Committees, Area Committees and Owners' Corporations).
Application Procedures

Icon Application forms and notes for application
  • Application forms and notes for application are obtainable at the following offices:
    - Licensing Offices of the Transport Department
    - District Offices of the Home Affairs Department
    - District Offices of the Social Welfare Department
  • You may also click here to download the application form and notes for application (PDF Format).
  • Applicants are advised to read the notes for application before making their applications.
Icon How to apply
  • The application form is divided into four parts:
    - Part A Applicant and Activity Information
    - Part B Signatory of the Person-in-charge of the Activity of the Applicant
    - Part C Application Result
    - Part D Ferry Operator's Written Confirmation
  • The applicant must duly complete Parts A & B of the application form and submit the original copy of the application form together with copies of supporting documents by fax at 3528 0564, by email at vsoi@td.gov.hk, by post or in person to the following address:

    Ferry Section,
    Transport Department,
    14/F, South Tower, West Kowloon Government Offices,
    11 Hoi Ting Road, Yau Ma Tei, Kowloon
    (Please mark "Application for Visiting Scheme to Outlying Islands" on the envelope.)
  • The duly completed application form should be submitted to the Transport Department at least 30 days prior to the date of the proposed activity.
  • Applications will be processed on first-come-first-served basis. The Transport Department will inform the applicants by email or fax of their application results within 15 working days upon receipt of all the required information. If the applications are accepted, the Transport Department will return to the applicants their application forms with endorsements marked on Part C of the application forms.
  • Applicants are required to contact the relevant ferry operators on their own at least 7 working days in advance to make prior arrangements for the ferry rides in respect of the proposed activities.
Icon Enquiries
  • For any enquiries about the Scheme, you may contact the enquiry hotline at 1823 or Transport Department's staff of the Scheme at 3842 6466 or 3842 5810.
Frequently Asked Questions


1. Q. Which outlying islands are included in the Scheme?
  A. The "Visiting Scheme to Outlying Islands" covers five outlying islands, namely Cheung Chau, Lantau Island (Mui Wo, Tung Chung, Sha Lo Wan and Tai O), Peng Chau, Lamma Island (Yung Shue Wan and Sok Kwu Wan) and Ma Wan.
2. Q. Which ferry routes can we take?
  A. Eligible applicants may apply for taking the following outlying island ferry routes:

Ferry routes

Maximum no. of applicants per sailing

Available days and time

Available services

(1)"Central - Mui Wo"

Ordinary class of ordinary ferry

Weekdays: 200

Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays: 150

Fast ferry

Everyday: 80

Ordinary class of ordinary ferry

No restriction

Fast ferry

Weekdays and Saturdays:
Non-peak hours only (i.e. 9.30 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. and 8.30 p.m. to 11.30 p.m.)

Sundays and Public Holidays:
Throughout the operating period except 3.30 p.m. to 6.40 p.m. (Central bound)

All services

(2)"Central - Cheung Chau"

Weekdays: 200

Mondays to Fridays only (except public holiday and Cheung Chau Bun Festival periods)

Ordinary class of ordinary ferry (i.e. excluding deluxe class of ordinary ferry and fast ferry services)

(3)"Central - Peng Chau"

Weekdays: 200

Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays: 150

Throughout the operating period

All services

(4)"Central - Yung Shue Wan"

(5)"Central - Sok Kwu Wan"

(6)"Ma Wan - Central"

Weekdays: 100

Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays: 80

Weekdays: Non-peak hours only
(i.e. excluding 6.30 a.m. to 10.30 a.m. (Central bound) and 4.30 p.m. to 8.30 p.m. (Ma Wan bound))

Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays:
Throughout the operating period

All services

(7)"Ma Wan - Tsuen Wan"

Weekdays: 150

Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays: 70

Throughout the operating period

All services

(8)"Aberdeen - Sok Kwu Wan (via Mo Tat)"

Everyday: 100

Throughout the operating period

Services between the "Mo Tat - Sok Kwu Wan" section not included

(9)" Aberdeen - Pak Kok Tsuen - Yung Shue Wan"

Everyday: 100

Throughout the operating period

Services between the "Pak Kok Tsuen - Yung Shue Wan" section not included

(10)"Tuen Mun - Tung Chung - Sha Lo Wan - Tai O"

Weekdays: 50

Mondays to Fridays only

(except Public Holidays)

Services between the "Tuen Mun - Tung Chung" and "Sha Lo Wan - Tai O" sections not included


3. Q. Do you accept applications from individual or from travel agencies?
  A. No.  Applications from individuals in their personal capacity (including members of Legislative Council or District Councils, or office of such members) or travel agencies for profit-making purpose will not be accepted.
4. Q. Can we start the ferry trip from Island to Central? Why not?
  A. Generally, applicants must start the ferry trip from the urban districts (including Central, Aberdeen, Tsuen Wan, Tuen Mun and Tung Chung) because the Scheme aims to encourage eligible organisations to visit these outlying islands from other parts of Hong Kong by providing free ferry rides. With a view to enabling the eligible organisations on Cheung Chau, Lantau Island, Peng Chau, Lamma Island or Ma Wan to be benefited from the Scheme, the Scheme only accepts the concerned organisations to propose activity starting from the concerned outlying islands to the urban districts.

5. Q. How many applications can an organisation submit?
  A. Applications will be processed on first-come-first-served basis. There is no limit on the number of application for an organisation to submit.
6. Q. Is there any application fee?
  A. No application fee is charged on the applicant.
7. Q. What supporting documents are required for applications?
  A. (a) Documentary proof to show the eligibility of the applicant;
(b) Details of the proposed activity, e.g. itinerary of the proposed activity, showing the proposed date and time for taking the ferry (departure and return trips), promotion leaflets of the proposed activity, if any; and
(c) Other relevant documents in support of the application, if any.
8. Q. Do applicants need to specify that free ferry rides are provided under the Scheme in their publicity materials and documents?
  A. Yes. Applicants must publicise in all publicity materials and documents related to the activities that the ferry rides are provided free of charge under the Scheme.
9. Q. How will an applicant be notified of the application result?
  A. The Transport Department will inform the applicant by email or fax of the application result within 15 working days upon receipt of all the required information.
10. Q. How many participants can be accepted for the proposed activity?
  A. The maximum number of participants, days, time, ticket types and service sections open for applications will be restricted. You may refer to Question 2 in Frequently Asked Questions.
11. Q. Can we take deluxe class of the ordinary ferry under the Scheme?
  A. This Scheme is not applicable to deluxe class of the ordinary ferry.
12. Q. If my application is accepted, will ferry operator reserve seats for us automatically?
  A. Seats will not simultaneously be reserved by relevant ferry operators along with the approval of application. The applicant must contact the relevant ferry operator on their own at least 7 working days in advance to make prior arrangements for the ferry rides in respect of the proposed activity.
13. Q. How can we contact the ferry operator?
  A. The telephone numbers and websites of ferry operators are as follows:

(a) "Central - Cheung Chau" / "Central - Mui Wo": Sun Ferry Services Company Limited
Telephone No.: 2131 8181 Website: www.sunferry.com.hk
(b) "Central - Peng Chau", "Central - Sok Kwu Wan" and "Central - Yung Shue Wan": Hong Kong & Kowloon Ferry Ltd.
Telephone No.: 2522 1966 / 2533 5333 Website: www.hkkf.com.hk
(c) "Ma Wan - Central" and "Ma Wan - Tsuen Wan": Parkisland Transport Company Ltd.
Telephone No.: 2946 8899 Website: www.pitcl.com.hk
(d) "Aberdeen - Sok Kwu Wan (via Mo Tat)": Chuen Kee Ferry Ltd.
Telephone No.: 2375 7883 / 2982 8225 Website: www.ferry.com.hk
(e) "Aberdeen - Pak Kok Tsuen - Yung Shue Wan": Tsui Wah Ferry Service (H.K.) Limited
Telephone No.: 2272 2022 Website: www.traway.com.hk
f) "Tuen Mun - Tung Chung - Sha Lo Wan - Tai O": Fortune Ferry Company Limited
Telephone No.: 5801 2200 Website: www.fortuneferry.com.hk

14. Q. What is the use of Part D of the application form?
  A. Before taking the ferry ride, the applicant is required to present the duly accepted application form to the pier staff and to properly fill in Part D of the application form jointly with the pier staff and sign for confirmation. The pier staff will keep the original copy of Part D for reimbursement purpose while the applicant may make a copy for their own record.
15. Q. What is the enquiry hotline of this Scheme?
  A. For any enquiries about the Scheme, you may contact the enquiry hotline at 1823 or Transport Department's staff of the Scheme at 3842 6466 or 3842 5810.
16. Q. Can we download the application form and notes for application from the Internet?
  A. Applicants may click here to download the application form and notes for application (PDF Format).