Temporary Traffic and Transport Arrangements in Aberdeen

        Members of the public are advised that, to facilitate road works, the following temporary traffic and transport arrangements will be implemented in Aberdeen from 9.00 pm on 22 July 2024 to 5.00 am on 23 July 2024:

A.    Road Closure

The section of the flyover leading from Aberdeen Main Road to Aberdeen Praya Road westbound will be temporarily closed to all vehicular traffic.

B.     Traffic Diversion

Affected vehicles on Aberdeen Main Road southbound heading for Aberdeen Praya Road westbound will be diverted via Aberdeen Main Road eastbound, Aberdeen Praya Road eastbound, Wong Chuk Hang Road eastbound, Nam Fung Road southbound and Wong Chuk Hang Road westbound.

C.     Public Transport Arrangements

CTB Route Nos. 7 (Central (Ferry Piers) bound), 94A (Wah Fu (Central) bound), 95C (Chi Fu Fa Yuen bound), 970X (Cheung Sha Wan (Kom Tsun Street) bound), 971 (Hoi Lai Estate bound) and N72 (Wah Kwai Estate bound), and GMB Route Nos. 51 (Tin Wan Estate bound), 51S (Wah Kwai Estate bound), 58 (Kennedy Town Station bound), 63A (Wah Fu Estate bound) and N51S (Wah Kwai Estate bound) will be diverted via Aberdeen Main Road eastbound, Aberdeen Praya Road eastbound, Wong Chuk Hang Road eastbound, Nam Fung Road southbound and Wong Chuk Hang Road westbound, then resume their original routeing at Aberdeen Praya Road westbound.

        Appropriate traffic signs will be provided on site to guide motorists. Public transport operators will also display notices to advise passengers of the above temporary public transport arrangements.