Dear Editor,

We refer to the letters from J May and B Wong published on 19 May and 26 May respectively about the noise nuisance caused by village vehicles on Cheung Chau.
The operation of village vehicles is regulated under the Road Traffic (Village Vehicles) Regulations (Cap 374N). The Regulations require a village vehicle to be issued with a village vehicle permit (permit) by the Transport Department (TD) and the operation of the village vehicle is also subject to the permit conditions attached to the permit. One of the permit conditions requires that the applicant and the driver of the permit should take appropriate measures to minimise the noise exhausts and any other nuisances during operation of the village vehicle.  Moreover, the permit issued by the TD normally imposes conditions to restrict the operating days and hours as well as roads on which the village vehicle can be driven.  The village vehicles on Cheung Chau are generally not allowed to operate on Sundays and public holidays, except for those approved for providing refuse collection services.   If any person contravenes the conditions of the permit, the Police can take enforcement actions by giving warning or issuing summons. The TD may also cancel the permit or refuse to renew it.

In the light of complaints about the use of village vehicles outside permitted days/hours and the construction of village vehicles, the Police will enhance their enforcement actions. The TD is prepared to arrange to inspect the vehicles and require the owners to make immediate rectification of any defects found on them as necessary and appropriate.

Regarding the complaint letter in 2015 mentioned by J May, we are unable to trace it after searching our record. We would be grateful if the reader could contact the TD direct by calling 1823 to provide us with details of the complaint for follow up.

Candy Kwok
Acting Assistant Commissioner for Transport (New Territories)