The queue ticketing system for driving licensing-related services will be implemented at the four Licensing Offices of the Transport Department starting from 13 March 2024 (Please click here for details). For driving licensing services and driving test applications processing over the counter, if no prior appointment has been made online or by phone, applicants are required to obtain a same-day queue ticket on-site before using the counter services.

3.     Driving in Hong Kong for Overseas Driving Licence Holders

Overseas full driving licence holders who wish to drive in Hong Kong may do so through one of the following means:

(I)  Apply for direct issue of a full driving licence without test;
(II)  (Apply for a temporary driving licence; or
(III)  Drive on strength of their valid overseas driving licence or international driving permit if they are visitors to Hong Kong (visitor means any person who arrives in Hong Kong other than to take up residence for a period exceeding 12 months)[1].

3.1 Apply for Direct Issue of a Full Driving Licence without Test

Information icon 3.1.1 Criteria

For the direct issue of a Hong Kong full driving licence, you must satisfy the Commissioner with documentary evidence that:

(a) you have a full driving licence (not an International Driving Permit or learner's/ probationary driving licence) issued by one of the countries or places as listed in Schedule 4 of the Road Traffic (Driving Licences) Regulations (Cap. 374B) (please refer to Appendix C) which is valid or has been expired for not more than 3 years; and
       (b) the driving entitlement(s) for which you are applying must be equivalent to the class(es) which are authorized to drive by the issuing country or place; and
  (c) your driving licence was obtained by passing the relevant driving test(s) in the issuing country or place; and
(d)  you satisfied one of the three requirements below:
(i) the licence was originally issued to you on any date during a period of residence of not less than 6 months in the country or place of issue[2] (supporting documents include (i) the relevant passport showing records of entry and departure or an official statement of travel records by the country or place of issue, (ii) visa[3]/ official documents that can show your condition of stay in the country or place of issue (if any) and (iii) your school transcript[4] or employer's testimonial[5] with employment period specified, etc., which cover not less than the said 6-month period with the licence's issue date included); or
(ii) the licence has been issued to you for not less than 5 years immediately prior to the application[6]; or
(iii) you hold a passport or an equivalent travel document issued in the country or place in which your licence was issued[7].
Information icon 3.1.2 How to apply?
  • Complete application form (TD63A) (Digital/printed signature is not accepted; if the information provided in application form is amended, applicant shall sign next to the amended part for verification); and
  • Submit the application form together with required documents and fee in person/ by an authorized person over the counter at Hong Kong Licensing Office(You can make an appointment for counter service through GovHK's website or by calling the 24-hour Interactive Voice Response System of the Appointment Booking Service at 3763 8080 to save waiting time. If no prior appointment has been made online or by phone, you are required to obtain a same-day queue ticket on-site before using the counter service (Please click here for details)).
Information icon 3.1.3 What to bring?
When you submit your application, please produce the originals and copies of the following documents:—
  • your Hong Kong Identity Card (if any)/passport/other travel documents;
  • your passport or other equivalent travel documents (if you meet the requirement in 3.1.1(d)(i) or (iii) above, you must also provide your passport or travel document);
  • your overseas/PRC driving licence;
  • supporting documents to prove that you are eligible for this as application as mentioned in 3.1.1 above and any other relevant documents as required by the Commissioner;
  • where a document is not in Chinese or English, it must be accompanied by an officially certified translation
    (The following translation is acceptable:
    - Translation from the consulate of the country issuing the driving licence in Hong Kong; or
    - Translation from the official licensing authority issuing the driving licence; or
    - Translation by registered Hong Kong court interpreters who are not working in the Judiciary; or
    - Translation by a translator (not the applicant himself) of a registered local translation agency/private translator and the translator has to bring along with his/her identity document and relevant documents and declare the accuracy of the translation at Hong Kong Licensing Office of the Transport Department. For enquiries, please contact 2804 2600.);
  • Original Medical Examination Certificate (TD256) duly completed by a registered medical practitioner within 4 months from date of application to prove that you are medically fit to drive and control the class(es) of motor vehicle(s) to which your application relates (application to a person aged 70 or above);
  • Original or copy of proof of present address (residential address and Hong Kong correspondence address) which is issued not more than 3 months from the date of application; and
  • Required fee (you may make enquiries at the enquiry counters of licensing offices or through 1823 Call Centre, refer to the licence fees table (TD341) at the licensing offices, or visit Transport Department's website for the latest required fee).

Notwithstanding that the documents and information required have been furnished, the applicants may still be required to submit further supporting documents and information in connection with the application(s) when necessary depending on the circumstances of each case.


Information icon 3.1.4 What you should note?
  • The "direct issue" mechanism is only applicable to private car, light goods vehicle, motor cycle and motor tricycle.
  • 5 working days are normally required for processing the application. Depending on the circumstances of each case, the processing time may vary.
  • Since the extension of the Probationary Driving Licence Scheme to private car and light goods vehicle on 9 February 2009, a person who has passed the relevant driving tests, is required to apply for a probationary driving licence, and upon satisfactory completion of the 12-month probationary driving period, is eligible for issue of a full driving licence for private car and/or light goods vehicle. According to the relevant ordinance, "direct issue" mechanism can only allow an eligible applicant with a full driving licence issued by any one of the countries/places listed under Schedule 4 of Cap. 374B (vide 3.1.1(a) above), to apply for a Hong Kong full driving licence of the respective vehicle class (private car, light goods vehicle, motor cycle and motor tricycle). The "direct issue" mechanism is not applicable to those not holding a full driving licence or equivalent.
  • Applicants meeting all the requirements for direct issue of a full driving licence would be issued with a Hong Kong full driving licence without passing through the 12-month probationary driving period.
  • If the driving licence holder has any driving entitlement(s) obtained through "direct issue" mechanism, the reference no. of the driving licence concerned would begin with a prefix "DI".
  • If necessary, licence holder may submit written application to the Transport Department for issuing a letter certificating his driving entitlement(s) obtained through "direct issue" mechanism or completion of driving test(s).
  • During the vetting process, this Department may, depending on the content of the application, request applicant/ relevant person to bring along with his/ her identity document and any other required documents to the Hong Kong Licensing Office of the Transport Department to make declaration/oath. For enquiries, please contact the Licensing Section of the Transport Department at 2804 2693 / 2804 2600.

3.2 Apply for a Temporary Driving Licence

Information icon 3.2.1 Criteria

For the issue of a temporary driving licence, you must satisfy the Commissioner with documentary evidence that:

       (a) you are a holder of a valid full driving licence (not an International Driving Permit or learner's/ probationary driving licence) issued by a country or place not listed in Schedule 4 of Cap. 374B (please refer to Appendix C);
       (b) you have applied for a driving test at the Transport Department within 3 months after the date of your arrival in Hong Kong to take up residence; and
  (c) you satisfied one of the three requirements below:
  (i) the licence was originally issued to you on any date during a period of residence of not less than 6 months in the country or place of issue (supporting documents include (i) the relevant passport showing records of entry and departure or an official statement of travel records by the country or place of issue, (ii) visa[3]/ official documents that can show your condition of stay in the country or place of issue (if any) and (iii) your school transcript[4] or employer's testimonial[5] with employment period specified, etc., which cover not less than the said 6-month period with the licence's issue date included); or
(ii) the licence has been issued to you for not less than 5 years immediately prior to the application[6]; or
  (iii) you hold a passport or an equivalent travel document issued in the country or place in which your licence was issued.

For the extension of the validity period of temporary driving licence, please note that:

(a) If the validity of your temporary driving licence cannot cover the date of the driving test appointment, any application for an extension of the licence must be submitted before it expires.
(b) No extension of the period of validity of your temporary driving licence will be entertained unless you have a valid driving test appointment for the class(es) of vehicle(s) concerned in Hong Kong.
(c) The validity of your temporary driving licence may be extended for one further period not exceeding 6 months. No further extension will be given.
(d) NO FEE will be charged for the extension of temporary driving licence.

Information icon 3.2.2 How to apply?
  • Complete application form (TD181) (Digital/printed signature is not accepted; if the information provided in application form is amended, applicant shall sign next to the amended part for verification); and
  • Submit the application form together with required documents and fee in person/ by an authorized person over the counter at Hong Kong Licensing Office(You can make an appointment for counter service through GovHK's website or by calling the 24-hour Interactive Voice Response System of the Appointment Booking Service at 3763 8080 to save waiting time. If no prior appointment has been made online or by phone, you are required to obtain a same-day queue ticket on-site before using the counter service (Please click here for details)).
Information icon 3.2.3 What to bring?
When you submit your application, please produce the originals and copies of the following documents:—
  • your Hong Kong Identity Card;
  • your passport or other equivalent travel document;
  • your overseas driving licence;
  • supporting documents to prove that you are eligible for this as application as mentioned in 3.2.1 above and any other relevant documents as required by the Commissioner;
  • where a document is not in Chinese or English, it must be accompanied by an officially certified translation
    (The following translation is acceptable:
    - Translation from the consulate of the country issuing the driving licence in Hong Kong; or
    - Translation from the official licensing authority issuing the driving licence; or
    - Translation by registered Hong Kong court interpreters who are not working in the Judiciary; or
    - Translation by a translator (not the applicant himself) of a registered local translation agency/private translator and the translator has to bring along with his/her identity document and relevant documents and declare the accuracy of the translation at Hong Kong Licensing Office of the Transport Department. For enquiries, please contact 2804 2600.);
  • Medical Examination Certificate (TD256) duly completed by a registered medical practitioner within 4 months from date of application to prove that you are medically fit to drive and control the class(es) of motor vehicle(s) to which your application relates (application to a person aged 70 or above);
  • Original or copy of proof of present address (residential address and Hong Kong correspondence address) which is issued not more than 3 months from the date of application; and
  • Required fee (you may make enquiries at the enquiry counters of licensing offices or through 1823 Call Centre, refer to the licence fees table (TD341) at the licensing offices, or visit Transport Department's website for the latest required fee).

Notwithstanding that the documents and information required have been furnished, the applicants may still be required to submit further supporting documents and information in connection with the application(s) when necessary depending on the circumstances of each case.

Information icon 3.2.4 What you should note?
  • Please note that temporary driving licence is not applicable to persons who are ordinarily residents in Hong Kong.
  • The temporary driving licence is applicable to private car and light goods vehicle only.
  • The temporary driving licence will be valid until the expiry of your overseas driving licence or the expiry of 12 months from the date of your arrival in Hong Kong to take up residence, whichever occurs first.
  • If you pass in the driving tests, you can apply for a full driving licence direct. If you fail in any part of the driving tests, your temporary driving licence will be cancelled immediately and you cannot apply for another temporary driving licence.
  • During the vetting process, this Department may, depending on the content of the application, request applicant/ relevant person to bring along with his/ her identity document and any other required documents to the Hong Kong Licensing Office of the Transport Department to make declaration/oath. For enquiries, please contact the Licensing Section of the Transport Department at 2804 2693 / 2804 2600.

[1] Regulation 37 of the Road Traffic (Driving Licences) Regulations (Cap. 374B) provides that a visitor who holds a valid international driving permit or a domestic driving licence issued in a place outside Hong Kong may drive in Hong Kong, during the period of 12 months following the date of his last entry into Hong Kong, a motor vehicle of any class which he is authorized by that permit or licence to drive notwithstanding that he is not a holder of a driving licence issued under these regulations, but so long as he has attained the age specified in regulation 7 for the issue of such driving licence in respect of the class of motor vehicle. According to regulation 2 of Cap. 374B and making reference to regulation 2 of the Road Traffic (Registration and Licensing of Vehicles) Regulations (Cap. 374E), "visitor" means any person who arrives in Hong Kong other than to take up residence for a period exceeding 12 months.

[2] For applications with a full driving licence issued by the Mainland China, applicants cannot merely submit Residence Permit for Hong Kong and Macao Residents or property ownership certificate/ documents as supporting documents.

[3] For instance, study/ work/ dependent visa, etc.

[4] Please present original and copy of school transcript or letter officially issued by your school/ institution containing the following information:
(a) Your name and student number (if student number is available, please also present your student card);
(b) Name and address of the school/ institution;
(c) The period covered (which should at least be not less than the 6-month period with the licence's issue date included);
(d) Issue date of the letter; and
(e) Name, post title, signature and contact information of the person issuing the letter, stamped with chop of the school/ institution.
Please note that applicants cannot merely submit an offer letter/ student card as supporting document.

[5] Please present original and copy of employer's testimonial issued by your employer containing the following information:
(a) Your name and identity document number (please also present the relevant identity document);
(b) Name and address of the company;
(c) The period covered (which should cover not less than the 6-month period with the licence's issue date included);
(d) Issue date of the letter; and
(e) Name, post title, signature and contact information of the person issuing the letter, stamped with chop of the company.
Please note that applicants cannot merely submit an employment contract or offer letter as supporting document.

[6] In cases where your full driving licence does not show the first issue date/ contains more than one driving entitlement, please present original and copy of official documents of driving licence particulars issued by the relevant transport authorities/ all sides of your previous driving licence(s) to show that you have obtained full driving licence of the relevant driving entitlement(s) for not less than 5 years.

[7] For applications with a full driving licence issued by the Mainland China, Mainland Travel Permit for Hong Kong and Macao Residents/ Mainland Residence Permit for Hong Kong and Macao Residents are not considered to be equivalent travel documents.