Driving Licensing - General |
1. |
My driving licence is due to expire shortly. What do I need to do? |
For Probationary Driving Licence |
You may apply for renewal of probationary driving licence within 15 days prior to the date of expiry or within 3 years as from the date of expiry. Please complete the application form (TD 590) and submit it together with your identity document, proof of present address (residential address and correspondence address) and the required fee to any one of the Transport Department Licensing Offices in person or by agent, or to P. O. Box 68115, Kowloon East Post Office, Hong Kong by post. Cash and original identity document should not be sent by post. Underpaid mail items will be rejected. For proper delivery of your mail items to the department, please ensure your mail items bear sufficient postage with return address (Details). You may also renew your probationary driving licence online. |
For Full Driving Licence |
You may apply for renewal of full driving licence within 4 months prior to the date of expiry or within 3 years as from the date of expiry. Please complete the application form (TD 557) and submit it together with your identity document, proof of present address (residential address and correspondence address) and the required fee to any one of the Transport Department Licensing Offices in person or by agent, or to P. O. Box 68115, Kowloon East Post Office, Hong Kong by post. Cash and original identity document should not be sent by post. Underpaid mail items will be rejected. For proper delivery of your mail items to the department, please ensure your mail items bear sufficient postage with return address (Details). You may also renew your full driving licence online.
2. |
If I apply for renewal of a driving licence after the date of its expiry, would there be any additional charges? |
No additional charge is required when application for probationary/full driving licence renewal is made after the date of expiry. However, probationary/full driving licences which have expired for a period exceeding 3 years are NOT renewable.
3. |
Why is it necessary for me to renew a probationary driving licence? |
A probationary driving licence is valid for 12 months from the date of its issue. If the requisite probationary driving period of any probationary vehicle class has not yet been fulfilled upon expiry of the probationary driving licence, you are required to renew the probationary driving licence to ensure that you get a valid probationary driving licence to continue with the remaining probationary driving period. A probationary driving licence can be renewed for 6 months each time.
Please also note that you must apply for a full driving licence for the relevant vehicle class within 3 years after the completion of the required probationary driving period. Otherwise, you are required to take and pass the driving test, apply for the relevant probationary driving licence again, and complete the relevant probationary driving period again in order to apply for the relevant full driving licence. |
4. |
My driving licence is lost/ destroyed/ defaced. How can I apply for a duplicate licence? |
If your driving licence is lost/ destroyed/ defaced, you may apply for a duplicate licence by submitting the completed application form (TD 106) together with your identity document, the defaced licence (if applicable) and the required fee to any one of the Transport Department Licensing Offices in person or by agent, or to P.O. Box 68115, Kowloon East Post Office, Hong Kong by post. Cash and original identity document should not be sent by post. Underpaid mail items will be rejected. For proper delivery of your mail items to the department, please ensure your mail items bear sufficient postage with return address (Details). You may also apply for a duplicate driving licence online (applicable for lost/destroyed licence only).
If your licence will expire within 4 months or has expired but not exceeding 3 years, you may apply for renewal instead of obtaining a duplicate one. If your driving licence has expired exceeding 3 years, it cannot be renewed.
5. |
I have changed my address. What do I need to do? |
A driving licence holder should notify the Transport Department in writing of any change in his/her name, address or identity document within 72 hours after such change. Therefore, if you have changed your address, please notify the Transport Department in writing or by submitting the completed form (TD 559) together with proof of present address (residential address and correspondence address) to any one of the Transport Department Licensing Offices in person or by agent, or to P. O. Box 68115, Kowloon East Post Office, Hong Kong by post. You may also report your new address through the online change of address service or when submitting your licensing application.
6. |
I have changed my name. What do I need to do? |
A driving licence holder should notify the Transport Department in writing of any change in the name, address or identity document within 72 hours after such change. Upon the change in your name, please notify the Transport Department in writing or complete the form TD 559 stating the new name and submit it together with the original of your identity document, the original driving licence / vehicle registration document and original and photocopy of a deed of poll from solicitor to any one of the Transport Department Licensing Offices. We will then issue a new driving licence / vehicle registration document licence free of charge and update our computer records accordingly.
7. |
I have recently developed a medical condition. What do I need to do? |
Under the Road Traffic (Driving Licences) Regulations 9 (2A), during the validity of your driving licence, once you become aware that you suffer from any disease or physical disability that may affect your driving of a vehicle of any such class as authorized by your driving licence to drive, you must immediately give notice in writing to the Commissioner for Transport.
8. |
If I hold an International Driving Permit, can I drive in Hong Kong with the Permit? |
According to our legislation, the holder of an International Driving Permit cannot drive with the permit in the issuing country of such a permit. Therefore, a holder cannot drive in Hong Kong with an International Driving Permit issued in Hong Kong, he shall drive with his valid full Hong Kong Driving Licence in Hong Kong.
9. |
If a person holds an International Driving Permit issued outside Hong Kong, can he/she drive in Hong Kong? |
A visitor to Hong Kong, as a holder of a valid International Driving Permit issued outside Hong Kong, can drive in Hong Kong the class of motor vehicle authorized by his/her valid International Driving Permit issued outside Hong Kong for 12 months starting from the date of his/her arrival in Hong Kong provided that he/she satisfies the legal age requirement - 18 year sold for private car, light goods vehicle, motor cycle and motor tricycle; 21 years old for other types of motor vehicles.
10. |
How does an applicant for direct issue of full Hong Kong Driving Licence prove that his/her driving licence was originally issued on any date during a period of residence of not less 6 months in the issuing country or place? |
The applicant can provide the following documents:
(1) |
the entry chops on the passport: |
- A passport with an entry stamp and a departure stamp which makes a period of six months or more.
- The driving licence must be issued on any date during this period of residence.
(2) |
the documents to prove studentship: |
(3) |
The documents to prove employment: |
Remark: |
- For items (2) and (3) above-mentioned, these are supporting documents. Applicant is still required to provide passport or equivalent travel document for arrival and departure records during the residence period in which his / her driving licence was issued.
11. |
Is there any restriction on the residence period of the applicant in Hong Kong for the application for direct issue of full Hong Kong Driving Licence without test on the strength of an overseas driving licence? |
There is no restriction on the residence period of the applicant in Hong Kong for such application.
12. |
Can a holder of a valid driving licence issued in a country or place other than those in the Schedule 4 of Road Traffic (Driving Licences) Regulations apply for a Temporary Driving Licence if he/she has been in Hong Kong for more than three months? |
An applicant for a Temporary Driving Licence should hold a valid driving licence issued in a country or place other than those in Schedule 4 of Road Traffic (Driving Licences) Regulations. He/she should have applied for a driving test within 3 months after the date of his / her arrival in Hong Kong to take up residence. If he/she is not eligible for applying temporary driving licence, he/she then has to take the driving test and obtain a learner's driving licence according to his/her own need. Upon passing the driving test, he/she can apply for the relevant probationary driving licence. Upon successfully completing the required probationary driving period, he/she can apply for Hong Kong full driving licence of the relevant vehicle class.
13. |
Does the use of electric skateboard and electric bike require a licence? |
Under the Road Traffic Ordinance (Cap. 374), the use of motor cycle and motor tricycle on roads in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region requiries a licence. It will be necessary to pass type approval of such motor cycle and motor tricycle on eg. lightings, brake systems etc match stipulated standards. Also under Road Traffic (Registration and Licensing of Vehicles) Regulations, the Commissioner for Transport reserves the rights to determine the suitablity of vehicles for roadworthiness. The driver should possess valid driving licence for motor cycle and motor tricycle. Electric skateboard and electric bike currently available for sale in Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (electrical or petrol driver) fail to meet the above statutory requirements. Transport Department has licensed NONE of these products. It is an offence to drive or use unregistered and unlicensed vehicles on road under Section 52 of the Road Traffic Ordinance (Cap.374). Commission of the offence is subject to a fine of $5,000 and imprisionment for 3 months.
14. |
Does the uses of skatebike require a licence? |
There is no registration and licensing requirements for skatebike. However, if the use of such skatebike constitutes a nuisance, then such users will be liable to penalties under Summary Offences Ordinance (Cap.228) for causing annoyance of the inhabitants or passers-by or for obstructing the same, or creating a noisy assembly.
15. |
What is the format of Hong Kong driving licence? |
At present, there are two valid formats of Hong Kong driving licence. One is the version issued before 22 March 2021; and the other has been issued with effect from 22 March 2021.
Please click below to view images of the different formats
format of driving licence issued before 22 Mar 2021 (click here for image with illustration)
format of driving licence issued since 22 Mar 2021 (click here for image with illustration)