Recall Detail
Ref No 10000294
Manufacturer Volkswagen
Vehicle Class Private Car
Model/Type Scirocco 2.0 TSI / Golf GTI 2.0 AT 4D / Golf GTI Pirelli / Golf R32 AT 4DR / Caddy 1.9 TDI Delivery Van / Passat 3.2L / Passat CC 4 Motion / Passat Variant 3.2L
Dealer (phone no) Volkswagen Hong Kong Limited (Tel: 3698 9733)
Subject Control unit of direct shift gearbox
Progress Running
Affected Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) Click to open
Description of Defect, how it came to light, and possible consequences if ignored. On vehicles with 6 speed direct shift gearbox (DSG) of a certain production period a wrong interpretation of the clutch temperature by the gearbox control unit is possible, which indicates an overloading of the clutch. As a the result the clutch protection is activated (flashing gear display, juddering of vehicle, reduction of engine torque, opening of clutch). The vehicle can be used till it is checked/repaired. A faulty sensor normally leads to juddering and flashing of the gear display. There is no danger for the consumers.
Remedial Action The affected vehicle receive an updated gearbox software.
Build Dates September 2008 to August 2009
Launch Date 27 December 2009
Tentative Date of Recall Completion 31 March 2010
Level Double-A conformance, W3C WAI Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0